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Saturday, March 12, 2011

But Didn't

Did you ever think at close of day
Of kindly words you meant to say—
                          But didn’t?

Do you ever think when day is done
Of errands kind you could have run—
                          But didn’t?

Do you ever think at daytime’s end
Of flowers bright you meant to send—
                          But didn’t?

Do you ever think when skies are red
Of hungry mouths you could have fed—
                          But didn’t?

Do you ever think at dawn of night
Of letters kind you meant to write—
                          But didn’t?

Do you ever think at life’s set of sun
You’ll think of deeds you could have done—
                          But didn’t?

                              ~Kathryn Thorne Bowsher

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Few Thoughts On Growing Old

  • Old age arrives suddenly as does the snow 
  • The entire life of a human being depends upon “yes” and “no” uttered two or three times between the ages of 16 and 25. 
  • Old age embellishes everything. It has the effect of the setting sun on the beautiful twilights of autumn. 
  • The person who considers himself too old to learn something has probably always been that way. 
  • So long as one continues to be amazed, one can delay growing old. 
  • It is by growing old that one learns to remain young. 
  • It's not about the lines on the face - it's about the wisdom behind them. 
  • Youth is a wonderful thing.  What a crime to waste it on children.  ~George Bernard Shaw 
  • There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Love Is

Love is a warm spring day, a moonlit
        night, green meadows, daffodils
        swaying in the breeze, closeness,
        understanding, needing, not caring
        what other people say, a red rose,
        belonging, longing, frustration,

 This poem appears in the book "Sweet Whispers of Love."