One yellow
summer day, long ago,
our paths
crossed and seeds of
friendship were sown.
As the seeds
took root and began
to sprout, we spent
almost every
day together
that summer.
took long, barefoot walks –
stopping to rest on the cool
beside the river and watch
boats slosh by.
We snapped
pictures of each other in
various stages
of play and referred to
them often, reliving
the fun we’d had
taking them.
When you had a
bad case of poison
ivy and had to
stay in, I crushed ivy
leaves and
rubbed them on myself so
I’d get it, too,
but I was immune.
When I was confined
to bed for a week
with strep
throat, you phoned every
to cheer me up.
teenagers, we slathered our bodies
a blend of baby oil and iodine
stretched out on a blanket in your
hoping for a golden tan, but
getting sunburn instead.
Later, we sat on
my front porch swing
eating cold
meatloaf sandwiches and
sipping tall glasses
of iced tea.
In mid-August,
the carnival came to
town. Lured by
bright lights, cheerful
calliope music,
pink cotton candy and
thrilling rides,
we hurried to the
fairgrounds each
evening at dusk. It
was a magical time!
On rainy days,
we’d lie across your bed
whispering about
our latest heartthrobs
other secrets. Your mother served
us hamburgers
and cokes.
I cherish each
of these memories and
so many more. I
loved you like the sister
I never had. You
were my best friend!
Too soon, we
grew up. You went away
and, for a long while,
we’ve lived in
separate worlds.
And yet, our relationship
has stood the
test of time and
separation. Though we
don’t talk for
long periods, we both know
when it’s time.
Just as I start to dial your
number, my phone
rings and there you are!
it happens in reverse.
As I reminisce on
this golden autumn
afternoon, I’m thankful that the bloom of
our friendship is
as vibrant as ever.
©2015 Peggy Toney Horton ~